We are so proud to say that we have been providing the highest quality flooring service to Central Florida for over 20 years.


Our excellent reputation and long list of satisfied clients attest to our superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, clear communication, honesty and integrity. Just ask for our client reference list.


Hank Petit
Founder, Manager


Brendan Petit
Founder, Operations


Jeremiah Holcomb

Open Positions

Flooring Specialist

We are currently looking for an experienced flooring specialist to add to our team.

Specializing in hardwood flooring requires basic carpentry skills; the capability to measure and cut precisely; and the ability to correctly use power saws, sanders, flooring nailers and hand tools correctly. The specialist should have an in-depth understanding, not only of hardwoods, but also of the types softwoods used in flooring, in addition to being able to install engineered hardwood flooring. Skill in matching and blending wood stain, and the ability to flawlessly finish.



  • Background in wood flooring and carpentry.

  • Good problem solving skills.

  • Great customer service skills.

  • Good communication skills both written and verbal.

  • Able to pass background check and clean driving record
